小学五年级英语学习网: 听力部分(共40分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。每题读两遍。(5分) ( )1. A. computer B. math C. science ( )2. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Thursday ( )3. A. do homework B. play sports C. watch TV ( )4. A. potato B. eggpla...[详情]

小学六年级英语学习网: Im not feeling well today. I think I have a bad cold. I have a headache. I have a fever. My nose hurts. My throat is sore. I have to take some medicine and stay in bed. My parents will take me to the hospital. What a...[详情]

小学六年级学习网: Tom went to Beijing by plane on his holiday. Every day he had fun with his parents. They went to the Nature Park. They saw elephants. They went swimming. They ate lots of delicious food. They also took many beautiful pic...[详情]

小学六年级学习网: Dear Sarah, This post card shows you a picture from my holiday. We got Kunming on Wednesday. On the first day we visited Stone Forest. Its very beautiful. I love it very much. On Thursday Kathy and I got lost in the city...[详情]

小学六年级学习网: Its the end of the school year. The students in Class Three have a farewell party. They invite their parents to the party. Many students have performance at the party. Look! Chen Jie is singing songs. Zhang Peng is playi...[详情]

小学三年级学习网: 1、北京到沈阳飞机票700元,动车票218元,从北京到沈阳,坐动车比坐飞机大约便宜多少钱? 2、电风扇245元,电饭煲187元,妈妈有400元,买这两件商品够吗? 3、上半场比赛结束28比43,一队28分,2队43分,2队领先多少分? 4、全场比赛结束...[详情]

小学三年级学习网: 1.商店有4筐苹果,每筐55千克,已经卖出135千克,还剩多少千克苹果? 2.美术组有24人,体育组的人数是美术组的4倍,两个组共有多少人? 3.每盒粉笔1元3角4分,每瓶墨水6角2分,学校买了6盒粉笔5瓶墨水,共花多少钱? 4.有篮球9个,足...[详情]

二年级奥数学习网: 某饮料店规定,用3个空饮料瓶就可以换一瓶饮料。小良买10瓶饮料,他喝完就换,最多能喝多少瓶饮料? 点拨一:全喝完后,用9个空瓶换回3瓶饮料,剩1个空瓶。在喝完后,只有2个空瓶,不够换,可以向主人借1个空瓶。换回1瓶饮料,喝完吧空瓶...[详情]

小学三年级学习网: 题目:从1999这个数里减去253以后,再加上244,然后再减去253,再加上244......,这样一直减下去,减到第多少次,得数恰好等于0? 答案:195次 分析:这道题目看似简单,因为一个循环减少9,有的同学认为只要求1999能被9整除多少次即可。...[详情]

rice米饭 bread面包 beef牛肉 milk牛奶 water水 egg蛋 fish鱼 tofu豆腐 cake蛋糕 hotdog热狗 hamburger汉堡包 cookie曲奇 Frenchfries暑条 biscuit饼干 jam果酱 noodles面条 meat肉 chicken鸡肉 pork猪肉 mutton羊肉 vegetable蔬菜 salad沙拉 soup汤 ice冰 i...[详情]

jacket夹克衫 shirt衬衫 T-shirtT恤衫 skirt短裙子 dress连衣裙 jeans牛仔裤 pants裤子 socks袜子 shoes鞋子 sweater毛衣 coat上衣 raincoat雨衣 shorts短裤 sneakers网球鞋 slippers拖鞋 sandals凉鞋 boots靴子 hat帽子 cap鸭舌帽 sunglasses太阳镜 tie领带...[详情]

小学二年级学习网: 有9个乒乓球,其中一个是次品,次品比正品轻一些,但从外表上看不出来。若只有一架天平,最少称几次,保证把次品找出来?简单说一下称的方法。 点拨:如果一个一个的称,可能要称9次。其实,天平的两端都是可以放物体的,如果平衡,表示两...[详情]