四、文章选评 下面我们就分别任选一篇雅思和的阅读文章,进行对比评析。由于雅思A类阅读的三篇文章的难度是依次递增的,所以本文选择了一篇第三篇的文章,以使以上的结论更具说服力。 雅思文章 READING PASSAGE 3 You should spend about 20 minutes on Ques...[详情]
第一篇 Study the picture above carefully and write an essay entitled“Cars: Should we Love them or Hate them?”In the essay, you should (1)describe the picture (2)interpret its meaning (3)give your opinion about the phenomenon. Yo...[详情]
第7篇 Study the picture above carefully and write an essay entitled“On Cultural Exchanges”In the essay, you should (1) describe the pictures (2) interpret their meaning (3) give your opinion about the phenomenon. You should write...[详情]
翻译答题技巧 主持人:欢迎各位光临新浪嘉宾聊天室,我们今天邀请到名师唐静、李玉技为各位点评考研英语翻译、完型、新题型。首先我们欢迎唐静老师。 现在有学友问到了最后时刻考研英语翻译如何复习呢? 唐静: 马上要了,俗话说“临阵磨枪不快也光”,最好...[详情]